Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2011 Winter/Spring Update

I really thought I would be blogging more than this but such is life for us!

The year started off with both kids in school five days a week and my taking some classes at UCD to get some science under my belt in hopes to apply to PA school sometime in the near future. It hasn't been going the way I had planned. As each exam came around the corner, my "get 'er done" philosophy was of no help to me despite my giving 110% to studying. I told myself I wouldn't commiserate too much in this post so in a nutshell, I have picked the wrong season to go back to school.  I am finding it is just not worth the cost (financially or otherwise) to attempt something that I cannot get good results in despite how hard I have tried. I had to accept that I have limitations and honestly, I am really tired and weary. I remember before I graduated with my undergrad in 2009 how excited I was to finally read a book without having a deadline and to have more freedom to be a better presence to my family and others. How did I lose sight of that?  Thankfully, I have very gracious people in my life and and an amazing Savior who is walking beside me and sometimes even carrying me as I work this all out!

In January, Jason had an interview in Georgia for a spot as an Air Force Reserve Chaplain. He is patiently waiting for a reply as the powers that be are figuring out their budget....hopefully his acceptance will soon be adding to ours. Jason also ran in the Rock 'n Roll Marathon in Phoenix and finished! In February, the church plant we are a part of (Church of the Advent) launched its first official worship service to the public. Jason volunteered to take on the position as the Worship Leader. He has also been able to use his gift to preach and teach. We are thankful for this place that God has led us to and we are forming some of the best bonds we've ever known. Jason's biggest role has been here at Joy House. Although we are co-directors, he carries the bulk of the load and he does it well. He is a great leader and deserves some credit (as opposed to my getting much) because of his work behind the scenes as he advocates for our family of women in some very amazing ways. He sometimes doesn't really get a true break from everything he has to manage on a weekly basis but doesn't complain. He has taught me a lot about true leadership.

We had a brief getaway at the end of February and took my dad with us to Breckenridge for a weekend. We did the usual tour of the town and did some sledding with the kids. Shortly after, the kids were on Spring Break and so was I. It ended too soon and we are now waiting for school to dismiss for the summer in just 6 weeks. Jason said to me today, "It's gonna a be a great summer!" I'm glad and I agree because I could use a season that doesn't feel so weary. I am glad Spring his here (my favorite season) because it is always a good reminder that there is a promise of new life and new beginnings. Somewhere in the middle of Spring Break and Breckenridge, we were able to catch up with two very special mentors of ours (I call them "honorary mentors"). When Christian was just an infant and Jason and I were sleep deprived and out of our minds exhausted, they showed up close to midnight and helped us process through one of the worst nights of our life as a married couple. I am glad that I humbled myself enough to pick up the phone and that they were gracious enough to respond. A good time is always had when we are with them and we walk away refreshed and encouraged to face the season we are in.

Okay, well, I got this done in enough time to tuck the kids in to bed....and I have a pile of laundry waiting for me. God's blessings and prayers to all. 

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